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Total Materia offers comprehensive and highly effective material comparison tools designed to meet diverse users' needs. With these tools, users can perform precise one-on-one material comparisons or gain a comprehensive overview of multiple materials' compositions and properties side-by-side. For a more detailed analysis, the property comparison feature enables users to evaluate materials visually with a radar chart for easy understanding. Additionally, the analytical comparison tool allows users to contrast materials using a bi-axial diagram, offering the flexibility to set specific desired ranges. This feature facilitates focused and refined material selections, making it easier for users to identify the most suitable materials for their specific applications.
The diagram comparison feature further enhances the material selection process by allowing users to compare any type of data, including stress-strain diagrams, yield stress, or thermal conductivity at different temperatures. This feature proves invaluable when users need to meticulously analyze the behavior of multiple materials or consider various heat treatments. By enabling such detailed comparisons, users can make more informed decisions, ensuring the chosen material meets all specified performance criteria under diverse conditions.
Multiple materials can be compared in the same manner (chemical, mechanical and physical) using Material Comparison.
The desired materials should first be added to the Material List builder (Results and Material lists), then selected and added to the Comparison View/Materials. Up to 100 materials can be compared in this manner.
This tool becomes particularly useful once a first selection has been made and the material performances should be observed from a more comprehensive point of view. Property Comparison allows the user to compare up to 20 materials based on 8 properties. The materials are loaded in this comparison in the same manner as for material comparison (Gather the materials to compare).
The comparison can be performed property by property using a scatter chart view, or a radar chart can be used to provide an overview of all the properties at once.
Use the checkboxes and red crosses to help you narrow either your view or your selection.
The Analytics view is very similar to Property Comparison, with the key difference being that this comparison focuses on two properties displayed on a biplot. The ability to view averages (points) or ranges (rectangles), set limits (min-max), and switch to logarithmic scales allow for clearer visualizations and optimal material selection.
The Diagram Comparison is slightly different from Property Comparison. Instead of loading materials into the comparison, the user must load diagrams.
To load a diagram into the Diagram Comparison use the "Add to Diagram Comparison" button located next to the graphs.
Currently the Diagram Comparison is available for mechanical and physical temperature-dependent properties and stress-strain diagrams.
The comparison interface can be accessed either through the popup banner that appears when a curve is added or by navigating to Material Console > Comparison View > Diagrams.
In this interface, curves of the same type are added to the same plot, each identified by an ID number. The table located next to the plotting area displays, for each ID, the corresponding material, its condition, and the reference providing the information. Below the plot, tables with the data points are presented to assist in the comparison process.
In the case, different types of diagrams have been added to the tool, the navigation between the different types is done using a drop down located over the plotting area.
Typically from Cross-references and Equivalents Finder, the One-to-One comparison allows for an overview of two materials' chemical, mechanical, and physical properties. This comparison is especially useful when considering equivalents in different geographic areas or when searching for replacements.
The comparison displays up to 5 materials simultaneously on the screen but up to 100 materials can be loaded into the tool. To view the other materials, use the top central arrows to scroll left or right in your list .
To keep one or more materials for reference while scrolling, the materials can be pinned to keep them always visible .
A material can be removed from the comparison by clicking on the icon in its top right corner .
By default, the property values are presented in their synthetic form at room temperature, with ranges of all known values regardless of a specific shape or heat treatment. To view a more specific form or the values prescribed by a specific standard, switch to Details View and use the drop-downs to select the desired reference or delivery condition of the material .
Exporting material comparison is done by first pinning the materials for exporting. The export can be done either to report builder to combine it with different other information or directly in PDF.