Evaluate the compliance
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The BOM tree on the left side provides all necessary information for easy navigation, including Part Name, Part Number, Material Designation, and Standard. Above the tree, there are three dropdowns that display validation messages with filters for:
Information: Highlights missing or inconsistent data that won't affect the assessment or calculations.
Actions and Warnings: Identifies potential issues that may need attention but don't prevent further actions.
Errors: Critical issues that must be resolved before continuing, as they prevent compliance with requirements.
Users can filter the BOM tree using these validation messages, allowing you to correct any issues before proceeding with the compliance assessment.
Part and Material details for the selected BOM item are displayed on the right side. The Part tab includes:
Part Number - A unique identifier assigned to each component or material in the BOM, used for tracking and inventory management.
Part Name - The descriptive name of the part or component, providing an easy reference for identifying what the part is.
Part Version - Indicates the revision or version of the part, reflecting any updates or changes made to the original design.
Reference Designators - Identifiers used in schematics or layouts to indicate where each part is used within an assembly or circuit.
Quantity - The number of units of a specific part required for the assembly or product.
Item Weight - Refers to the weight of a single unit of a part or component listed in the BOM. This measurement is crucial for carbon footprint calculations.
Description - A detailed explanation of the part, including its specifications, materials, and any other relevant information.
Notes/Comments - Additional notes or remarks about the part, which may include special instructions, considerations, or exceptions.
Material tab includes:
Designation - the specific name or code assigned to the material, often used for quick identification.
Standard - the industry standard that the material adheres to, ensuring it meets specific quality and performance criteria.
Material type – identifies the origin of the material data:
From Horizon: Data is sourced from Total Materia
Custom: Data is provided by the user
Material Group - a taxonomy-based classification that organizes materials into broader categories such as metals, polymers, ceramics, etc. These groups can be further divided, for example, metals into ferrous (iron-based) and non-ferrous (e.g., aluminum, nickel) subcategories.
Producer - the manufacturer or supplier of the material, indicating the source or origin of the material used in the product.
Chemical condition – contains the standard number (unique identifier or code associated with the material standard, referencing the exact document or specification it follows) and its description, along with chemical composition table (specific elements/substances with CAS numbers and their respective percentages or concentrations that make up the material)
Original material – displays details of the imported material if replaced due to non-compliance or environmental impact.
On the right side of the Material tab, you'll find buttons to replace material, change chemical condition, find equivalent materials, edit material, and remove material.
At the top of the page, above the Part and Material tabs, is a button for adding regulations for assessment.
In the Compliance Assessor Module, users can select up to five regulations by either using the drop-down list or typing into the search box to see suggestions. Regulations are sorted by country and can be added by checking the corresponding boxes.
Once regulations are selected, clicking the "Assess" button initiates the generation of compliance statuses for the selected regulations. Each regulation has a progress bar that shows the percentage of BOM items assessed.
Additionally, the issue date of the regulation is provided, informing users of which version of the regulation was used, since updates in Total Materia's Green Line system take about one to two months.
The compliance statuses for each BOM item are displayed in the BOM tree. Clicking on a regulation displays the corresponding statuses for that regulation within the tree (the first regulation is selected by default). Changing the regulation will update the displayed statuses accordingly.
In the Materials tab, the statuses of substances are shown in an additional column in the composition table.
Please note that any changes made to a material will reset its compliance statuses, requiring a reassessment by clicking the "Assess" button again to generate updated statuses.
Above the BOM tree, validation messages are displayed in three dropdowns: Information, Actions and Warnings, and Errors. By moving the slider to Compliance statuses, six filtering buttons appear, allowing the user to filter the BOM tree by specific statuses such as Compliant, Not compliant, Not assessed, Declarable, Exempted, and Compliance statement. This feature is especially useful for users managing large BOMs, enabling them to focus on critical items, such as those marked Not compliant.
Once filtered, the user can take further action on these items, including replacing materials, changing chemical conditions, cross-referencing, selecting exemptions, or editing materials.
This option is useful when a material is not recognized (e.g. if a generic designation like "steel" is used). Clicking the Replace Material button allows the user to specify search parameters to find a compliant alternative. For instance, users can refine their search by filtering for materials compliant with REACH SVHC and RoHS regulations. Selected regulations will narrow the search results, and only materials that meet all selected regulations will appear (the operator between regulations is AND).
For materials with multiple references, the first reference is selected by default. Users can click the "Change Chemical Condition" button to view a window displaying different references and their chemical compositions. Since different references may yield different compliance statuses for the same regulation, users can compare the compliance statuses for each reference. If the material has only one reference, this button will be disabled.
The "Find equivalent materials" button is visible in the Materials tab when cross-references or equivalent finder materials are available for materials that are Not compliant, Not assessed, or Declarable. It is not available for all materials, but an icon will appear in the BOM tree, allowing users to quickly identify those that have cross-reference options.
Details about Cross References and Equivalents finder are explained in the Compliance Assessor section of this documentation. Click here to view them.
The "Select an Applicable Exemption" button is located above the Part and Material tabs (on the right side) and is available for materials with a status other than Compliant (e.g., Not Compliant, Not Assessed). By selecting this button, users can apply relevant exemptions to materials that may not meet specific regulatory requirements but have allowable exemptions under regulations like RoHS or ELVs.
For more details on how Exemptions work, please refer to the Compliance Assessor section here to view them.
Compliance certificates, also known as compliance statements, serve as formal documentation from a producer that confirms a specific item, whether a material, part, or assembly, meets relevant regulatory requirements. This feature is especially useful when a BOM item is marked as Not Compliant or Not Assessed. A compliance certificate provided by the producer can validate the item's compliance, even if the system initially flags it as non-compliant.
The "Select/Add a Compliance Certificate" button is located above the Part and Material tabs (on the right side) and is available for materials with a status other than compliant (e.g., Not Compliant, Not Assessed, Declarable).
When clicked, you are presented with two options:
Create a new compliance statement.
Select an existing compliance statement.
After selecting or creating a compliance statement and saving it in the pop-up, the BOM tree status will automatically update, showing the compliance statement text in both the tooltip and a blue box above the part details.
Note: The compliance statement applies to the material as a whole, so the statuses of individual substances within the material will remain unchanged. This ensures that the compliance certificate is focused on the overall material's regulatory standing rather than on individual components.
In the BOM, users have extensive control over materials, allowing them to edit key attributes such as the material’s designation, standard, producer, and material group. These updates provide flexibility in defining material characteristics to better fit specific requirements. Additionally, users can modify the chemical condition and manage the material’s composition by adding, deleting, or editing substances within the material.
Once changes are made and saved, the material type will be marked as Custom, indicating it is no longer sourced from Total Materia's Horizon database but is instead user-defined. This feature is particularly valuable when standard materials do not fully meet the user’s needs, enabling them to create materials with precise specifications. However, it’s important to note that custom materials will require users to manually manage their compliance and properties to reflect the unique characteristics needed for the specific BOM.
Exporting a BOM along with its compliance assessment statuses generates a detailed report that includes all relevant information such as part numbers, material details, and the compliance statuses for each selected regulation. The Excel export includes:
Compliance statuses (Compliant, Not Compliant, Not Assessed, Exempted).
Chemical composition of materials, listing substances and their respective compliance statuses.
Any user-defined customizations, such as material modifications and added compliance certificates.
This report provides a thorough overview of the BOM’s regulatory standing, making it easy to share or analyze across teams.
When saving a BOM, all associated data—including part numbers, material details, compliance statuses, and chemical compositions—is securely stored in the system. Users can save their BOM at any point, whether immediately after an import or after significant updates. This ensures that the entire structure, including compliance assessments, validation messages, and custom material edits, is preserved for future access.
The system allows users to quickly load previously saved BOMs, especially after regulatory updates, enabling them to reassess materials against the latest regulations. This feature helps users remain compliant by identifying any non-compliance issues that might arise due to regulatory changes.
For convenience, the last five recently saved BOMs are accessible on the BOM starting page. The complete list of saved BOMs can be accessed by navigating to Material Console -> My Console -> Saved BOMs, where all previously saved data is organized for easy retrieval. This functionality ensures ongoing regulatory monitoring and allows for easy updates, making compliance management more efficient.